Posts Tagged ‘sea’

He comes like a thief

June 2, 2011

Ask yourself this question: Has the exact time of Jesus’ second coming revealed to human beings? The answer is NO. The Bibles teaches, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” (Mathew 24:36). If in heaven no one knows, except the Father; then, why is it that human beings think that they can read the mind of Almighty God? Jesus says that He will come when the world is not expecting Him: “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night…” (2 Peter 3:10; and 1Thessalonians 5:2).

 Jesus asks us to “Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.” (Mathew 24:42). Further, He warns, “Then if anyone says to you, look, here is the Christ or there, do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand. Therefore, if they say to you, look, He is in the desert, do not go out; or look, He is in the inner rooms, do not believe it.” (Mathew 24:23-26). Read the word of God for yourself. Let no one deceive you.

Doubts, destructive or a saviour

February 16, 2011

Why do we doubt? Doubt causes anguish to the soul. Yet, some doubts can save us from destruction and sorrows. For example, when we have doubts about something or a person it is often because we are being awaken to something that’s not quite right about them. People or things can be deceitful and having your doubts about them may be your protector. Yet, doubts can stop a person from making progress and suffer loss. One needs to check their doubts whether they are positive or negative.

There is one doubt, though, that we should not tolerate or encourage, that, doubts God and his love toward us. God love us more than we could ever imagine. So much so, that He gave us his most precious gift, Jesus Christ. He loves us much more that we love ourselves, partners, children, parents, or each other. Love comes from God, and if of God; then, God is the love Giver.

We are mortal and sinful beings and love is not part of sin but of righteousness and holiness; these two only comes from the Great I Am. The love which you feel in your heart toward those, whom you love, comes from above. The suffering which is in our world is created by us, yet, we blame God for our sufferings instead of blaming ourselves. Why do the innocent often suffer for the guilty?

Get the grease out!

January 19, 2011

Take care how you change from a meat diet to one without meat. While you change your habits of living, you need to be cautious. It is known that those who change from a meat diet often change to one that is impoverished. Their food is so poorly prepared that their stomach loathes it. As a result, many confess that a health reform diet does not agree with them and that they find themselves decreasing in physical strength.

When you prepare your meals, variation is required. Although, food should be prepared in a simple way, yet, it must taste nice to invite the appetite. You really should keep grease out of your food. Grease defiles any preparation of food you may make. Substitute for meat must be well prepared, so that meat will not be desired. Be sure to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. “Gone the days of Obesity,” will give more information on the above. 

Deceived; but who?

November 14, 2010

Did you know that the end of the world will come when the word of God (the gospel of the kingdom) is preached in the entire world as a testimony to all nations?  Did you also know that before the end comes many false teachers will claim and has already claimed to be Christ, while others claim to be His prophets? These false Christ and prophets shall show great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect (believers), if that were possible. So if it is possible for the elect to be deceived were it not for God’s mercy toward them, where then, does it leave those who are not elect? 

However, the enemies of God have and shall continue to deceive those who have no interest in God and those who did not take the time to study the word of God for themselves, but rather, relied on others to teach or tell them and not knowing whether those things they have heard or taught are true or false.

Okay, so where do we go from here? Well, it will be quite beneficial to study God’s word (the Bible) for yourself. At least you will get to know who God is and how much He loves you. Further, you will discover more end time signs pointing to the nearness of Jesus’ second coming. Perhaps you could start by looking up the book of Matthew Chapter 24, in the New Testament of the Bible.

World is ending

August 29, 2010

In the last days, for example, we will see the poor getting poorer, and the rich getting richer. Knowledge will increase, lawlessness will be in the earth, and the wicked will do wickedly. Most of us will become lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. The irony of this is that everything will continue as normal in the earth. For instance, people will continue getting married, going to work, school, partying, getting drunk, promiscuous, and go on holidays. The sun will continue to rise; the moon and stares continue to shine. But how does one know that they are living at the end of time?  We will know by the signs of the times, and by reading what the Holy Bible says about the end of the world.

The earth will be destroyed because of the evil that is in it. It appears that we are ignoring God’s call to repentance. Thousands of years ago, the same thing happened, people did not respond to the call of God to repent. So the earth was destroyed; but before it was destroyed, God warned the people of what would happen via his prophets, if they did not repent. When the floods came only eight people were saved and through them the earth was re-populated. Today, God is speaking to us via the Bible, Christian books, television, radio, computers (online information), church ministers, and others.

However, most people in our time are not interest in God and have turned their backs on Him, despite His love and warnings. As a result, people will be hateful, selfish, envious, malicious, and unkind to each other. Love appears to be going out the window. We only have to listen to the News, read the News Papers, or in our own homes, to see the condition of our world. God is love and also righteous and holy. He will not allow sin and evil to continue. He will give to everyone what they have sown.

Man who walked with God, never died.

August 17, 2010

 Elijah was a man of faith and prayer. The word of faith and power was on his lips. His whole life was devoted to the work of reform. His rebuked sin and press back the tide of evil. The words he spoke were like the healing balm of Gilead, to those who hungered for the word of God. Elijah saw his own people going deeper and deeper into idolatry. His soul was distressed and overwhelmed with sorrow. His warning message had failed to bring the people to repentance.

However, the people were so engrossed in idolatry that they went as far as to say that the dew and the rain came not from God. Instead, it came from the ruling forces of nature; and through the creative energy of the sun the earth is enriched and made to bring forth abundantly. The elders of the people further told them that they were not to fear the God of Elijah nor tremble at His word because it is their idols that bring forth the harvest in its season and provides for man and beast.

Later, the rain and the dew ceased upon the earth. The drought continued three and a-half years. During which time, the idol worshipers prayed and cut themselves, so that their idols would send them rain and dew; but nothing happened. At the end of the three and a-half years, Elijah prayed and the rain and dew came once more upon the earth. As time went by, God told Elijah that He was going to translate him to heaven. One day, while he walked with his friend a chariot and horses of fire, came to meet him, then, a whirl-wind came, took Elijah, chariot, and  horses into heaven.

But who can enter this city?

August 4, 2010

A man in vision saw a new heaven and a new earth. The first heaven and the first earth, he saw, were done away with. Then, the man, John, saw a holy city, ‘New Jerusalem;’ coming down from heaven to the earth. The city was so beautiful, that John described it, ‘As a bride adorned for her husband.’ ‘I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end,’ says a loud voice, to John.

John is shown the light of the city, which was like a most precious stone. The city was clear as crystal, and had a great and high wall. The wall had twelve foundations. The foundations were decorated with precious stones: jasper, sapphire, chalcedony, emerald, sardonyx, sardius, chrysolite, beryl, topaz, chrysoprase, jacinth, and amethyst. The city had twelve gates: three on the east, three on the north, three on the south, and three on the west. Each individual gate was of one pearl. At the gates were twelve angels. The gates of the city never close. The city and the street were pure gold, like transparent glass.

The people John saw entered the magnificent city were those whose names were written in the Book of Life. Read more about what John saw, and why the names of others were not written in the Book of Life. See Revelation chapter 21 (The Holy Bible KJV)

Standing on the sea

June 20, 2010

One spring day when Jimmy, Mary, and Peter were playing near the riverside, they saw something quite unusual; the reflection of the sea in the river.

Not long after seeing the strange sight, the children saw people standing on the sea. A moment later, they heard them singing. This was followed by bright flashing lights, so that Peter, Mary, and Jimmy could no longer see them, and could only hear their voices in song.

Jimmy: “Am I imagining this? Am I really seeing people standing and singing on the sea?”

Mary: “No, Jimmy. You are not imagining this because I too can see the people and hear them singing.”

Peter: “Me too!”

The young people were so gobsmacked that they could hardly speak to each other. They had never seen, heard, or read about such strange phenomenon. All they could do was behold the strange sight and listen to the sweet melodious voices, never heard by mortal ears. Mary, Jimmy, and Peter stood in awe before the people. When the beings had finished their song, they vanished.

Jimmy: “Where do you think they went?”

Mary: “No idea, Jimmy!”

Peter: “Surely, they cannot just vanish into thin air! They must be around somewhere!”

Don’t despair

June 7, 2010

Words of Life and Health Limited, writes and make films on character-building, and health. The purpose of their company is to educate, encourage, inform, and help point the way to true and lasting happiness. So urgently and enthusiastic is the company in helping society that it requires an army of distributors, to help distribute their products. These distributors are people who are interested in people. 

Many people are mentally hurting and often need someone who cares, to talk to. Words of Life and Health Limited literatures and DVD will help these persons. The products give hope, comfort, courage, happiness, and so much more. All who desires a better life or lifestyle will benefit; and career development available.

When you are let down by the one you thought cared about you, be assured that there is someone somewhere who will care for and love you. It may not be tomorrow or the next day, but that someone will come along at a time when you are not expecting him or her. After all, tomorrow is a new day and time heals!  

Go to  for more information or email Words of Life and Health Limited:

Angels sounded, graves opened

May 18, 2010

Young people are minding their own business. Suddenly, they heard the noise of trumpets sounding. In fact, the trumpets sounded so loudly that all the children and their parents went outside to see where the sound was coming from.

All of a sudden, the earth shook violently and the graves opened. At the last trumpet sound the boys, girls, mums, and dads awoke from their graves. They went up and up to meet their king.

Young people and their parents talked about the strange happenings. Unknown to them, they were being beamed upward; meeting those who had just gone up. They journeyed a long way before they reached their destination. When they arrived at their destination, the gates refused to open. Instead, the gates spoke.