Doubts, destructive or a saviour

Why do we doubt? Doubt causes anguish to the soul. Yet, some doubts can save us from destruction and sorrows. For example, when we have doubts about something or a person it is often because we are being awaken to something that’s not quite right about them. People or things can be deceitful and having your doubts about them may be your protector. Yet, doubts can stop a person from making progress and suffer loss. One needs to check their doubts whether they are positive or negative.

There is one doubt, though, that we should not tolerate or encourage, that, doubts God and his love toward us. God love us more than we could ever imagine. So much so, that He gave us his most precious gift, Jesus Christ. He loves us much more that we love ourselves, partners, children, parents, or each other. Love comes from God, and if of God; then, God is the love Giver.

We are mortal and sinful beings and love is not part of sin but of righteousness and holiness; these two only comes from the Great I Am. The love which you feel in your heart toward those, whom you love, comes from above. The suffering which is in our world is created by us, yet, we blame God for our sufferings instead of blaming ourselves. Why do the innocent often suffer for the guilty?

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