Posts Tagged ‘sea’

Peter and Mary

April 20, 2010

Peter and Mary were so caught up trying to find their way home, that they totally ignored the strange episodes of lightning. Animals were so frightened that their cries reached the ears of their human neighbours. The flashes of lightning were so powerful and terrible that the trees, grass, and rivers were on fire. At that point, Peter and Mary got really, really scared. What followed—the thunder—was even more powerful than the lightning. The children had no torch or lantern to show the way home. Later, a man in shining armour appeared and said to Peter and Mary, “I am sent to take and guide you home.” One spring day when Jimmy, Mary, and Peter were playing near the riverside, they saw something quite unusual. The children saw people standing on the sea. A moment later, they heard them singing. Jimmy: “Am I imagining this? Am I really seeing people standing and singing on the sea?” Mary: “No, Jimmy. You are not imagining this because I too can see the people and hear them singing.” Peter: “Me too!” The young people were so gobsmacked that they could hardly speak to each other. They had never seen, heard, or read about such strange phenomenon. All they could do was behold the strange sight and listen to the sweet melodious voices, never heard by mortal ears. At times, the river became boisterous, burst its banks, and went into nearby plains. One day, when the river was boisterous, Peter fell of his horse and into the river. Unfortunately, the river current was too strong for Peter to swim onto the riverbank, so the current took him away.