Posts Tagged ‘poor’

World is ending

August 29, 2010

In the last days, for example, we will see the poor getting poorer, and the rich getting richer. Knowledge will increase, lawlessness will be in the earth, and the wicked will do wickedly. Most of us will become lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. The irony of this is that everything will continue as normal in the earth. For instance, people will continue getting married, going to work, school, partying, getting drunk, promiscuous, and go on holidays. The sun will continue to rise; the moon and stares continue to shine. But how does one know that they are living at the end of time?  We will know by the signs of the times, and by reading what the Holy Bible says about the end of the world.

The earth will be destroyed because of the evil that is in it. It appears that we are ignoring God’s call to repentance. Thousands of years ago, the same thing happened, people did not respond to the call of God to repent. So the earth was destroyed; but before it was destroyed, God warned the people of what would happen via his prophets, if they did not repent. When the floods came only eight people were saved and through them the earth was re-populated. Today, God is speaking to us via the Bible, Christian books, television, radio, computers (online information), church ministers, and others.

However, most people in our time are not interest in God and have turned their backs on Him, despite His love and warnings. As a result, people will be hateful, selfish, envious, malicious, and unkind to each other. Love appears to be going out the window. We only have to listen to the News, read the News Papers, or in our own homes, to see the condition of our world. God is love and also righteous and holy. He will not allow sin and evil to continue. He will give to everyone what they have sown.