Archive for September, 2010

Foods protecting you from cancer

September 22, 2010

Cabbage contains flavonoids; these are cancer-protecting plant compounds. 

Broccoli is a supperfood and cancer-preventing. Steam it or eat it raw.

Brazil nuts are rich in selenium. Selenium informs cancer cells to commit suicide.  

Garlic contains sulphur compounds, stimulating the immune system against cancer.

Cantaloupe melon is filled with carotenoids, significantly reduces the risk of lung cancer according to research.

Blueberries are filled with antioxidant, helping get rid of free radicals. Free radicals damage cells, causing diseases including cancer.

Water can cut the risk of bladder cancer by 50 per cent in men if they drank six 250ml glasses of water each day. Women can reduce their risk of colon cancer by up to 45 per cent if they drank more water, a study found.

Vitamin D. Having too little of this vitamin may increase ones risk of having multiple cancers, including breast cancer.

I trust that you can see the importance of eating healthily and naturally.