Posts Tagged ‘resurrection of the wicked’

Are Those Who are Self-destruct, Taking YOU Along with Their Theory?

February 2, 2015

For God so LOVED the World that he Gave His ONLY begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should NOT Perish but have Everlasting Life. God did not send His Son into the world to condemn it, but that the world through Him might be Saved. It is unfortunate that Light has come into the world and many love DARKNESS rather than LIGHT. Why; because “Their deeds were EVIL”.

Do you believe the FALSE teachers who say that God did NOT Create the Heavens and the Earth and neither is there a Heaven or hell? Have you tried finding the truth for yourself? Is it NOT written in the word of God that there will be Two Resurrections? Is not the first Resurrection, the Resurrection of the Saints, and the second, the Resurrection of the wicked? Why not Read the Book of Revelation Chapter 20 (the last book of the Bible). There you will also find the fate of Satan and his followers.

The Book of John Chapter 5 and verses 28- 29 states, that “all who are in the Graves shall Hear God Voice and shall come forth. Those who have done good, to the Resurrection of Life, and those who have done evil, to the Resurrection of Condemnation”.

Why am I writing this Blog? Well, it is because the world is coming to its CLOSE and we all need to decide our destiny. Remember we all will stand Before the Throne of God, giving an account of our lives!